How To Get Your House Ready to Sell in 30 Days

How To Get Your House Ready to Sell in 30 Days

How To Get Your House Ready to Sell in 30 Days

We understand the anxious knot in your stomach at the thought of selling your home. You should know how to make a memorable first impression on potential buyers to get top dollar. Your mind is buzzing about the perfect color to repaint the living room, the right upgrades to install, and if hiring a professional stager is worth it. 

We get it. We’ve curated a step-by-step guide on how to get your house ready to sell in 30 days. These steps make your home more appealing to prospective buyers and speed up the home sale process.

How to Get Your House Ready to Sell

Day 1-5: Declutter and Depersonalize

The first step to preparing your house is decluttering and depersonalizing your living spaces. Potential buyers should be able to imagine themselves living in your home. So pack away your items, such as family photos and mementos.

If you have too many things, consider getting a storage unit for temporary storage. It’s also a good idea to declutter your closets to showcase storage space and make them look bigger.

Day 6-10: Deep Clean and Repair

A clean home is a more attractive home. Invest time deep cleaning every corner of your house, from countertops and faucets to light fixtures and closets. Replace burned-out light bulbs and fix any broken elements. If your front door or house numbers look worn out, refresh them too.

Day 11-15: Home Improvements

Consider making minor upgrades that can have a significant impact. It may be time to install new faucets or upgrade your light fixtures. Remember, you can do a partial renovation. You might be surprised how much value minor DIY home improvements can add to your home. Focus on home improvements that add the most value.

Day 16-20: Paint

Freshening your home with a fresh coat of paint is a cost-effective way to boost its appeal. Stick to neutral colors that appeal to a wide range of tastes. If you’re looking for a DIY project that can increase the value of your home, repainting is a great choice.

House Painting

Day 21-25: Stage Your Home

Home staging is all about setting up your home to highlight its strengths and appeal to the maximum number of potential buyers. Hiring a professional stager can be a worthy investment if you need more confidence doing it yourself. Don’t forget to stage the outside, too – enhancing curb appeal with simple landscaping can make a huge difference.

Day 26-30: Photograph and List Your Home

Hiring a professional photographer to take photos of your staged home can highlight its best features. Once you have your professional images, it’s time to list your home.

Work with your real estate agent to decide the listing price based on the housing market, the asking price of comparable homes, and the upgrades you’ve made. Be sure to turn off all distractions during open houses.

Getting your house ready to sell doesn’t have to be stressful. Whether you’re looking to sell a house fast in Texas or to attract cash home buyers in Arlington, these tips can help streamline the process. Remember, services like “we buy houses Fort Worth” can offer a quick solution if you’re selling a house that needs work.

Have You Made All Necessary Repairs?

All necessary repairs must be done before you open your home to potential buyers. Faulty faucets, flickering light bulbs, or broken door handles can leave a negative impression. Pay close attention to these small details, as they can influence a buyer’s perception of how well the home has been maintained.

Consider a pre-listing home inspection. Though it’s an upfront cost, it allows you to find and address issues before your home hits the market. It’s important to tackle these repairs head-on, from repairing leaky roofs to fixing faulty electrical systems.

Your realtor can help you prioritize repairs necessary to appeal to buyers in your local market. Remember, the goal is to assure potential buyers that your house is worth investment without any looming maintenance nightmares.

Any Renovations that Could Add Value to Your Home

When you’re ready to sell, you might start wondering about renovations that could add value to your home. However, choosing these renovations wisely is crucial to ensure they offer a solid return on investment.

Start by focusing on the kitchen and bathrooms, as updates here often yield the best return. This might mean new countertops, modern appliances, or upgraded fixtures. Similarly, improving energy efficiency with newer windows or an updated HVAC system can attract environmentally-conscious buyers.

Consider curb appeal too. Simple landscaping or a fresh coat of paint on the front door can dramatically boost your home’s exterior appeal. Just remember, you’re selling a lifestyle, not just a house. 

Remember that some buyers are looking for a home they can own. In this case, it may be better to forgo major renovations and price your home accordingly. 

Decluttering and Cleaning Your Home

Before snapping photos or scheduling open houses, declutter and deep clean your home. A clutter-free home looks more spacious and allows potential buyers to envision their belongings in the space.

Start by removing personal items like family photos and memorabilia. Then, turn your attention to clearing away clutter. Consider renting a storage unit if you’ve accumulated things you don’t want to part with for items you no longer need, donate or sell them. This process can be time-consuming, so starting early is a good idea.

Once your home is clutter-free, it’s time to deep clean. Shampoo carpets, scrub floors, clean windows, and wipe down all surfaces. A sparkling clean house makes a strong impression on potential buyers. 

In the end, remember that the selling process can be complicated, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With the right approach, you can sell your house quickly, even in a crowded real estate market. Always seek help from professionals like “we buy houses Fort Worth” services to expedite the process.

Staging Your Home for Sale

Now that your home is clean, repaired, and decluttered, it’s time to stage it for sale. Home staging involves arranging furniture and décor to showcase the space and functionality of your house.

It’s all about creating an inviting atmosphere that allows potential buyers to visualize themselves living there. This can often be achieved by setting the dining room table, adding fresh flowers, or placing a throw blanket on the sofa.

Consider the value of a fresh coat of paint in neutral colors. It can dramatically transform your home, giving it a clean, updated look that appeals to a broader audience. Light colors make rooms feel larger and brighter, a big selling point.

For the best results, consider hiring a professional stager. These experts have an eye for design and can highlight the strengths of your property while downplaying any flaws. This added touch can increase the appeal of your home to prospective buyers and boost the selling price.

Marketing Your Home For Sale

Marketing your home for sale involves a strategic combination of online and offline efforts. It’s more than just posting a “For Sale” sign in the front yard. You want to present your home in the best light and reach as many potential buyers as possible.

Professional photography is crucial in making your home stand out in online listings. High-quality photos capture the beauty of your home and create an emotional connection with buyers. Consider hiring a professional photographer specializing in real estate to get the best shots.

Work with your real estate agent to craft a compelling listing description. This should highlight your home’s best features, including the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, square footage, unique upgrades, and other selling points. Mention if you’re in a sought-after neighborhood or have recently renovated.

It’s also important to leverage social media platforms and real estate websites to increase your home’s visibility. For example, services like “sell a house fast in Texas” can be beneficial if you’re in Texas. The more exposure your home gets, the higher the chances of securing a buyer quickly.


Getting your house ready to sell in 30 days may seem daunting, but it’s possible with a strategic plan. Start by addressing repairs, considering valuable renovations, decluttering, cleaning, and then staging your home. Remember that every little effort adds up and helps increase the value of your home. 

Marketing your home effectively is equally crucial. Using professional photos and descriptions can significantly impact how quickly you sell your home and for how much. Keep your goal in mind: making your home appealing to as many potential buyers as possible to sell at top dollar. With these tips, you’ll be ready to move into your new home before you know it.

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