Here's What You Need to Know About Selling Your House and Staying In It

Can I Sell My House and Still Live In It?

Here's What You Need to Know About Selling Your House and Staying In It

Are you a Dallas-Fort Worth homeowner looking for an out-of-the-box solution to your housing situation? Can you sell your house and still live in it? You might be surprised to find out there are legit cash home buyers in Fort Worth who can help you sell your house and stay in it. This is called “sell and stay” and is becoming increasingly popular among homeowners who want to tap into their equity without having to move. Let’s get into the details of this and see if it’s for you.

Sell My House and Stay In It

Selling your house and staying in it sounds crazy right? But it’s a real option that can bring financial freedom to many homeowners. This allows you to cash out your home’s equity and stay in your current home. It’s perfect for those who love their home and neighborhood but need to tap into the value of their property.

When you sell your house and stay in it you’re essentially becoming a tenant. This is a big change and has big implications for your financial future so you need to understand all of it before you make a decision.

Can I Sell My House and Stay In It?

The short answer is yes you can sell your house and stay in it. This is possible through various methods each with its terms and conditions. The key is finding the right buyer who will work with you on this type of deal. Cash buyers and real estate investors are more open to these deals than traditional buyers looking for a primary residence.

Keep in mind this option is not as common as a traditional sale. You’ll need to be proactive in finding buyers that will do this. Companies like Four19 Properties which specialize in weird home-buying situations can be a great resource for this. But if you go the traditional route, making your home appealing to potential buyers by removing personal items and addressing issues like pet problems can also help attract the right buyer.

How to Stay In Your House After Selling:

There are several ways to sell your house and stay in it. Let’s get into the most common options:

Short-Term Free Stay

Some buyers, especially cash buyers may allow you to stay in the house rent-free for a short period after the sale. This can be helpful if you need a little extra time to find a new place or make moving arrangements. The length of the free stay is negotiated as part of the sale agreement. This can also help avoid vacant properties which is a big plus for investors concerned about potential rental income.

This is good if you need to sell your house fast in Arlington or other parts of the DFW area. It gives you a buffer period to get your next steps in order without the urgency of finding a new place to live.

The Leaseback Option: What is the Lease Agreement

A leaseback agreement allows you to sell your home and rent it back from the new owner. This option gives you a lump sum from the sale and allows you to stay in your home as a tenant. The terms of the lease including the monthly rent and length are negotiated during the sale process.

The real estate market can affect leaseback terms. In a seller’s market, you have more leverage to negotiate better leaseback terms and in a buyer’s market, the terms are less favorable.

Here’s how it might work:

  1. You sell your house to a buyer (often an investor or cash buyer) at an agreed-upon price.
  2. As part of the sale agreement, you negotiate a lease that allows you to stay in the property.
  3. After the sale closes you start paying rent to the new owner according to your lease agreement.

This is good if you need to tap into your home’s equity but aren’t ready or willing to move. It’s also a solution for homeowners facing foreclosure or other financial problems.

Home Reversion

Home reversion also known as a lifetime lease is a less common option where you sell all or part of your property to a company for a lump sum or regular payments. You get to stay in the property for life or until you want to move out. This is more common in the UK but is starting to gain traction in some parts of the US.

In a home reversion plan:

  1. You sell all or part of your home to a home reversion company.
  2. You get a lump sum or regular payments.
  3. You get to stay in your home rent-free or for a small rent.
  4. When you die or move out permanently the home reversion company sells the property.

This is a complex option and not for everyone. Get independent financial advice before considering a home reversion plan.

How to Find People Who Will Buy Your House and Rent It Back To You

Finding someone to buy your house and rent it back to you requires research and networking. Here are some options to consider:

  1. Cash home buying companies: Many cash buyers like Four19 Properties in the DFW area specialize in flexible buying arrangements and may be open to leaseback options. They often advertise with phrases like “we buy houses in Texas” and can offer quick and easy transactions.
  2. Real estate investors: Investors look for creative ways to structure deals and may be interested in a sale-leaseback. They are more flexible than traditional buyers and may be willing to negotiate terms that work for both parties. Cash home buyers and real estate investors can be the same like Four19 Properties.
  3. Online platforms: Some websites connect homeowners with investors looking for sale-leaseback deals. These platforms can expand your reach and help you find buyers outside your local area looking for investment properties.
  4. Real estate agents: While most traditional buyers aren’t interested in these arrangements, some agents may have investor clients who are. An experienced real estate agent can help you navigate the process and find suitable buyers.
  5. Local real estate investment groups: Many cities have real estate investment associations or groups. Attend their meetings or reach out to members to connect with investors looking for sale-leaseback options.

Remember when looking for a buyer for a sale-leaseback deal you need to work with reputable individuals or companies. Do your due diligence, check reviews and credentials, and don’t be afraid to ask for references.

Can You Sell Your House And Still Live In It In Texas

How Much Rent Will I Pay If I Sell My House and Live In It?

The rent you’ll pay after you sell your house depends on several factors including the home’s value, local rental rates, and the terms you negotiate with the buyer. Typically the rent is set at or below market value. Discuss this during negotiations so you can afford the rent long-term.

In a seller’s market where properties sell for more and faster, rent prices may also be affected by the competitive conditions and could be higher.

Factors that will affect your rent:

  1. Local rates: The buyer will look at what similar properties in the area rent for when setting the price.
  2. Property value: Higher value homes rent for more.
  3. Terms of the sale: If you accepted a lower sale price the buyer may expect a higher rent to make up for it.
  4. Length of the lease: Longer lease terms may mean lower monthly rent.
  5. Maintenance responsibilities: If you’re taking on more maintenance duties you may negotiate a lower rent.

Calculate the proposed rent compared to your current housing costs including mortgage payments, property taxes, and maintenance. This will help you determine if the arrangement is good for you in the long run.

Documents Needed To Sell a House and Live In It

When you sell your house and stay in it you’ll need the usual documents for a home sale plus additional paperwork for the leaseback. Here’s a list:

  1. Sales contract: This outlines the terms of the sale including the purchase price and any conditions.
  2. Leaseback agreement: This document details the terms of your occupancy, including the rent amount, lease term, and any special conditions.
  3. Property deed: This legal document transfers ownership from you to the buyer.
  4. Home inspection report: Many buyers will want a professional inspection of the property.
  5. Proof of homeowners insurance: The new owner will likely require you to have renter’s insurance.
  6. Property tax records: These show the property’s tax history and current status.
  7. Mortgage payoff statement: If you have an existing mortgage this shows the amount to pay it off.
  8. Title insurance policy: This protects the new owner from any issues with the property’s title.
  9. Closing statement: This itemizes all the financial transactions in the sale.
  10. Rent payment agreement: This may be part of the leaseback agreement or a separate document that details how and when rent will be paid.
  11. Maintenance agreement: This outlines who is responsible for various maintenance tasks and repairs.

It’s recommended to work with a real estate attorney to make sure all documents are prepared and your interests are protected. They can help you navigate the legal jargon and ensure your rights as a tenant are protected in the new arrangement.

Pros and Cons of Selling a House and Living In It

Like any major financial decision, selling your house and staying in it has advantages and disadvantages. Let’s break them down:


  • Access to your home’s equity without moving: This can give you a lump sum for other financial needs or investments. Homeowners can tap into their home equity through options like reverse mortgages, home equity lines of credit (HELOCs), or sale-leaseback agreements.
  • Quick sale especially with cash buyers: Companies that advertise “we buy houses” can close deals much faster than traditional sales.
  • No need to find a new home immediately: This is especially helpful if you’re not ready to leave your neighborhood.
  • Familiar surroundings and neighborhood: You can keep your established routines and community connections.
  • Possible tax benefits (consult a tax professional): In some cases, you may be able to deduct rent payments on your taxes.
  • No moving costs: Staying put means you don’t have to pay for moving expenses or temporary housing.
  • Flexibility: Some leaseback agreements offer more flexibility than traditional rentals, you may be able to make minor changes to the property.


  • Loss of homeownership and benefits: You won’t build equity in the property or benefit from appreciation.
  • Higher housing costs as a renter: Your rent payments may be more than your mortgage payments.
  • Limited control over property: As a tenant, you won’t have the final say in major property decisions.
  • Future relocation if the new owner sells: Your lease may have terms that allow the owner to sell and you’ll have to move.
  • Complexity of the transaction: These deals can be more complicated than a standard home sale or rental.
  • Emotional adjustment: It can be tough to go from being a homeowner to a tenant in your own home.
  • Credit impact: If you’re selling due to financial difficulties it could affect your credit score.
  • Loss of tax deductions: You won’t be able to deduct mortgage interest or property taxes.


Selling your house and staying in it can be an option for homeowners who want to tap into their home’s equity without the hassle of moving. Whether you’re facing financial difficulties, looking to fund your retirement, or just want to simplify your life this may be worth considering.

If you’re in the Dallas-Fort Worth area and want to explore this option contact Four19 Properties. As cash home buyers they understand unique selling situations and can offer customized solutions for you. Remember whether you want to sell your house fast in Arlington or want to stay in your home you love there are alternatives to traditional real estate transactions that may be a better fit for you.

Before you decide anything you need to weigh the pros and cons, consider your long-term financial goals, and consult with financial and legal professionals. Think about your plans, your current financial situation, and how this will impact your lifestyle. Consider the cost of living in TX and how it will change if you go from a homeowner to a renter.

Also, these arrangements can be beneficial in certain situations. For example, if you’re selling a house while in Chapter 13 bankruptcy a sale-leaseback may be a way to pay off creditors and have stable housing. But these situations require legal consideration so always consult your bankruptcy trustee and a real estate attorney before proceeding.

In the end, selling your house and staying in it is just one of many options for homeowners. It’s not for everyone but for some, it can be a solution to financial difficulties or changing life circumstances. By understanding the process, considering all the details, and working with reputable professionals you can make an informed decision if this is right for you.

Remember your home is more than just a financial asset – it’s where you live your life. Any decision about its future should consider both your financial needs and your –well-being. With the right approach and partner, selling your house and staying in it could be the solution you’ve been looking for to secure your financial future while keeping your current lifestyle.

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