How To Sell A House With Solar Panels In Texas

A Comprehensive Guide to Selling a House with Solar Panels: Tips and Benefits

How To Sell A House With Solar Panels In Texas

Are you thinking about selling your house with solar panels? You’re in the right place! This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about selling a home with solar energy systems. We’ll cover the benefits, challenges, and important things to keep in mind during the selling process.

Solar panels are becoming more and more popular in homes across the country. They’re good for the environment and can save homeowners money on energy bills. But when it comes time to sell a house with solar panels, there are some special things to think about.

This guide will help you understand:

  • The benefits of selling a home with solar panels
  • Different types of solar panel ownership
  • How to prepare your solar-powered home for sale
  • Tips for marketing your solar home
  • Common mistakes to avoid
  • And more!

We’ll also talk about how selling to one of the reputable cash home buyers in Texas can make the process much easier, especially if you’re in a hurry to sell.

Benefits of Selling a Home with Solar Panels

Installing solar panels on your house can be a big plus when it’s time to sell. Here are some of the main benefits:

1. Increased Property Value

Solar panels can make your house worth more money. A study back in 2015 by Berkeley Lab found that homes with solar panels can sell for up to $15,000 more than similar homes without solar systems. That’s a nice boost to your home’s value!

2. Faster Sales

Houses with solar panels often sell faster than those without. Many buyers are interested in homes that are energy-efficient and environmentally friendly.

3. Environmental Benefits

Solar energy is a clean energy, and renewable. It doesn’t produce harmful emissions like fossil fuels do. This is a big selling point for buyers who care about the environment and want to reduce their carbon footprint.

4. Cost Savings for Buyers

Solar panels can save the new owners a lot of money on energy bills. Some studies show that solar panels can cut a new homeowner’s energy costs by up to 50%. That’s a strong selling point!

5. Energy Independence

With solar panels, homeowners are less dependent on the power grid. This can be very appealing to buyers, especially in areas where power outages are common.

Understanding Solar Panel Ownership

Before you sell your house, it’s important to understand how you own your solar panels. There are a few different ways:

1. Owned Solar Panels

If you bought your solar panels outright or paid off a solar loan, you own the solar panels generally. This is usually the best situation when selling your house. Owned panels typically add the most value to your home and are easiest to transfer to a new owner.

2. Solar Leases

Some homeowners lease their solar panels instead of buying them. With a solar panel lease, you don’t own the panels – a solar company does. Selling a house with leased solar panels can be more complicated. The new owner would need to take over the lease, which not all buyers want to do.

3. Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs)

A PPA is similar to a lease. You agree to buy the power produced by the panels at a set rate, but you don’t own the equipment. Like leases, PPAs can make selling your house a bit more complex.

Understanding your solar panel ownership is crucial. It affects how much value the panels add to your home and how easy it will be to sell.

Selling a House with a Solar System

Now that you understand the benefits of solar power and ownership types, let’s look at how to sell your solar-powered home:

1. Gather Documentation

Collect all the paperwork related to your solar panels. This includes:

  • Installation contracts
  • Warranty information
  • Energy production data
  • Any maintenance records

Having this information ready will help potential buyers understand the system and its benefits.

2. Get a Professional Assessment

Have a solar professional check your solar panel system. They can tell you if everything is working properly and estimate how long the panels will last. This information can be very valuable to buyers.

3. Highlight the Benefits

When marketing your home, make sure to emphasize the advantages of the solar system. Talk about:

  • How much money does it save on energy bills
  • The environmental benefits
  • Any tax incentives that might be available to the new owner

4. Be Transparent

Always be honest about your solar system. If there are any issues or if it’s under a lease or PPA, make sure potential buyers know upfront. Honesty will help build trust and prevent problems later in the sale process.

5. Work with Knowledgeable Professionals

Try to work with a real estate professional who has experience selling homes with solar panels. They’ll know how to market your home effectively and can answer buyers’ questions about solar energy.

6. Consider Cash Home Buyers

If you want to sell your house quickly and easily, consider selling to a cash home buyer like Four19 Properties. They buy houses in as-is condition, which means you don’t have to worry about making repairs or updates before selling. Plus, you won’t have to pay any realtor commissions, which can save you thousands of dollars.

Marketing and Promoting Your Solar Home

Marketing and Promoting Your Solar Home

When it’s time to sell, you want to make sure potential buyers know about your solar panels and understand their value. Here are some tips:

  1. Use the right language: In your listing, use words like “energy-efficient,” “eco-friendly,” and “low utility costs” to highlight the benefits of your solar system.
  2. Show the savings: If possible, include information about how much the solar panels have saved on energy bills. Real numbers can be very persuasive to buyers.
  3. Highlight environmental benefits: Many buyers care about reducing their carbon footprint. Explain how your solar panels help the environment.
  4. Mention any remaining warranties: If your solar panels are still under warranty, make sure to mention this. It’s a valuable selling point.
  5. Use visuals: Include photos of your solar panels in your listing. You might also want to create a simple chart showing energy savings over time.

Remember, not all buyers will understand solar energy. Be prepared to explain how the solar energy system works and its benefits in simple terms.

Tax Benefits and Incentives

Solar panels can come with some nice tax perks. Here’s what you and potential buyers should know:

Federal Solar Tax Credit

The federal government offers a tax credit for solar panel systems. As of 2024, this credit is 30% of the cost of the system. If you haven’t claimed this credit yet, you might be able to do so before selling your home.

State and Local Incentives

Many states and local governments offer incentives for solar energy. These can include tax credits, rebates, or special solar renewable energy certificates (SRECs). Check what’s available in your area.

Property Tax Exemptions

Some areas offer property tax exemptions for installing solar panels. This means the value that solar panels add to your home isn’t included in property tax assessments.

It’s important to note that tax laws can be complicated, especially when it comes to selling a home. It’s always a good idea to talk to a tax professional about your specific situation.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When selling a house with solar panels, there are a few pitfalls to watch out for:

  1. Not understanding your solar agreement: If you’re leasing your panels or have a PPA, make sure you understand all the terms before trying to sell.
  2. Overpricing your home: While solar panels can increase your home’s value, be careful not to set the price too high. Work with a real estate professional to determine a fair price.
  3. Neglecting maintenance: Make sure your solar system is in good working order before you sell. A well-maintained system is more attractive to buyers.
  4. Failing to highlight the benefits: Don’t assume buyers will understand the value of your solar panels. Make sure to clearly explain the advantages.
  5. Not being prepared for questions: Buyers will likely have lots of questions about your solar system. Be ready to answer them or have resources available that can help.

Challenges You Might Face

Selling a house with solar panels can sometimes be tricky. Here are some potential challenges and how to handle them:

1. Buyer Hesitation

Some buyers might be unsure about solar technology. They might worry about maintenance or not understand the benefits. To overcome this:

  • Be ready to educate buyers about how solar energy works
  • Have information ready about the system’s performance and savings
  • Offer to connect the buyer with your solar installer for more information

2. Financing Issues

Some mortgage lenders might be hesitant about homes with leased solar panels or PPAs. If you have a solar lease or PPA:

  • Be upfront about this with potential buyers
  • Have all your solar agreements ready for review
  • Consider working with a real estate agent who has experience with solar homes

3. Transfer of Lease or PPA

If you’re leasing your solar panels or have a PPA-leased solar system, transferring this agreement to a new owner can be complicated. Some buyers might not want to take on this commitment. To handle this:

  • Review your agreement to understand the transfer process
  • Be prepared to potentially buy out the lease if a buyer insists
  • Consider targeting buyers who are interested in solar energy

4. Older Systems

If your solar system is older, buyers might worry about its remaining lifespan or efficiency. In this case:

  • Get a current assessment of your system’s condition and efficiency
  • Be honest about the system’s age and any maintenance it might need
  • Consider offering a home warranty that covers the solar system

5. Property Tax Liens in Texas

While not directly related to solar panels, it’s worth mentioning that property tax liens in Texas can complicate any home sale, including those with solar panels. If you have unpaid property taxes, this can result in a lien on your home, making it difficult to sell. It’s crucial to resolve any tax issues before putting your home on the market.

Selling to Cash Home Buyers: A Fast and Easy Option

If you’re facing any of these challenges or want to sell your house quickly, consider selling to a cash home buyer. Companies like Four19 Properties, one of the best home-buying companies in Texas, can make the process much easier.

Here’s why selling to a cash home buyer can be a great option:

  1. Quick sales: You can often sell your house in 5 5-day flat with a cash buyer. This is much faster than the traditional real estate process.
  2. No need for repairs: Cash home buyers in Fort Worth and other areas typically buy houses as-is. You don’t need to worry about fixing your home or updating your solar system before selling.
  3. No realtor commissions: When you sell to a cash buyer, you don’t have to pay realtor fees. This can save you thousands of dollars.
  4. Simple process: Cash buyers like Four19 Properties simplify the selling process. They handle most of the paperwork and can often close on your timeline.
  5. Guaranteed sale: Once you accept a cash offer, you don’t have to worry about the buyer’s financing falling through.

If you’re in the Arlington area, look for “we buy houses in Arlington” companies. These local buyers understand the Texas real estate market and can often offer fair prices for homes with solar panels.


Selling a house with solar panels can be a bit more complex than selling a standard home, but it also comes with some great benefits. Your solar system can increase your home’s value, attract environmentally conscious buyers, lower energy costs, and offer significant savings to the new owners.

Remember these key points:

  • Understand your solar panel ownership (owned, leased, or PPA)
  • Gather all relevant documentation about your solar system
  • Highlight the benefits of solar energy when marketing your home
  • Be prepared to educate buyers about solar technology
  • Consider working with professionals who have experience with solar homes

If you’re looking for a fast, hassle-free sale, don’t forget about the option of selling to a cash home buyer. Companies like Four19 Properties specialize in buying homes quickly, regardless of their condition or unique features like solar panels.

Whether you choose to sell through traditional methods or opt for a cash sale, being informed and prepared will help you navigate the process successfully. With the right approach, your solar panels can be a valuable asset in selling your home.

Ready to sell your solar-powered home? Contact Four19 Properties today. As experienced cash home buyers in the DFW area, we can provide you with a fair offer and a quick, easy selling process. Don’t let the complexities of selling a solar home slow you down – reach out to us and discover how simple selling your house can be!

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